I am also a member of Seti League which support a project called Argus whose goal is to use amateur receiving stations all over the world - listening for non terrestrial signals.
    At the moment I'm using a 3 meter (10') dish trying to detect weak signals around the hydrogen emission line at 1420MHz,
    the dual 1420MHz & 1665MHz feedhorn are using a 20K 1420ULNA and a 1691ULNA (tweaked for 1664-1668MHz hydroxyl emission).
    The 3 meter dish will work dedicated on the hydrogen line (1420MHz). My grid location is JO89sn which is close to Stockholm, Sweden.

    The 3meter system is up and running fine, more information could be found in my station pages.


    Weak-signal detection using DSP program to see signals the ear can not hear.
    The audio signal is processed via computer soundcard as a cheap but viable option to more expensive dedicated hardware solutions.
    The hump on the last picture is concurrent with the milkyway passing in front of the dish, probably emission from Cygnus.

    The left image is a real-time pass at 1720MHz with my 1.8meter dish, the picture on the right is a pass with the 3meter dish at 1420MHz.

    GPS L1 signals at about 1575MHz are easily picked up,

    GPS L2 & L3 carriers - theese signals are very weak and this is a good test to show the setup is working properly.

    SETI SuperStar Award