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package type Plcd_parallel14 Pin Single Inline Package

typically used when connecting the lcd pcb directly to the pcb you're trying to make with male headersC050-024X044CAPACITOR

grid 5 mm, outline 2.4 x 4.4 mm0207/10RESISTOR

type 0207, grid 10 mmRTRIM64WTrimm resistor Spectrol

Cermet MIL-R-22097CTRIM808-BC7.5Trimm capacitor BC-ComponentsE5-10,5ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR

grid 5.08 mm, diameter 10.5 mmCRYSTAL320-916TOGGLE SWITCH

distributor RS Componentstransistor-npnTO-18DO35-10DIODE

diameter 2 mm, horizontal, grid 10.16 mmBU-SMB-VFEMALE SMB CONNECTOR


distributor RS 112-2993Frequency Counter BoardPARALLEL_LCDSIPyG defaultEAGLE Design Rules

The default Design Rules have been set to cover a wide range of applications. Your particular design may have different requirements, so please make the necessary adjustments and save your customized design rules under a new name.(1*16)xV4' <????????   ??8c 2 dd^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:IO"% default!Ceͫ% !Ceͫ,h< % !Ceͫm% !Ceͫ.}% !Ceͫ% !Ceͫ0-% !Ceͫ!q% !Ceͫ